Mythology Mondays

The Church of Maradona

Mythology Mondays

The Iglesia Maradoniana is a religion, created by the fans of the retired Argentine footballer Diego Maradona. The Church of Maradona (yes literally) simply believes that Maradona was the greatest soccer player in the history of the sport and prays to that fact.

On June 22 1986, four years after Argentina had failed to reclaim a part of their territories from the British, Brazil met England in the quarter final of the World Cup. The memories of the war still haunted the Argentines, and it meant that there could be only one acceptable outcome this time, Argentina had to win. Even if God had to interfere, Argentina just had to win. 

And Diego Maradona ensured just that, scoring a controversial goal with his hand, known as Maradona’s Hand of God. Argentina went on to win the World Cup that year, their second, and much of the credit went to the mercurial forward.

Not just that, throughout his journey, Maradona had to reinvent his career multiple times and also survived a heart attack, fought drug addiction and dealt with the Camorra (Italian Mafia). All this led him to occupy a special niche in the hearts of many fans –  that of a living God.

And that’s where they placed their God, in a church. In 1998, three of his fans founded the Maradonian Church in the city of Rosario, Argentina. Over half a million devotees of the Church have repurposed the God’s prayers, which are now offered to their new ‘Messiah’. 

Not just that, they also have a set of commandments including changing your middle name to Diego, naming your son Diego and “spreading the news of Diego’s miracles”. There is also a Maradonian Christmas eve, in which hundreds join to welcome the messiah among us mortals. 

Well, it is also believed that as Maradona is the true God, according to the Church of Maradona, this is the year 59 d.D, (después de Diego) of course.

Well if Messi can win them the next World Cup, the Church of Messi incoming?

Image credits: Vice

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