Social Saturdays

Marxist Sociology!

Social Saturdays Most of us are utterly confused about the origins of communism as a theory and why the hell exactly is Karl Marx and his theory basically a part of most subjects we have ever studied, including Economics, Political Science, History, and Sociology among others. What is further amusing is that he said really […]

Social Saturdays

The legend of Chandra Shekhar Azad!

Social Saturdays All of us have seen the image of a fierce man wearing a sleek wrist watch and flaunting his moustache with a strange conviction in his eyes, the conviction to uproot British sovereignty from India, no matter what it takes! While Indian independence was a result of years of fight-back and a mix […]

Social Saturdays

The Great British Loot

Social Saturdays Most of us are aware of the colonial expedition in India and how Britain managed to ravage India of its riches for almost 200 years, the most prominent of the loot being the Koh-i-noor diamond that was stolen and never returned back. Some of us have also heard the famous Oxford Union Debate […]

Social Saturdays

The Spaghetti Harvest!

Social Saturdays “Paise kya ped pe ugte hain?” “Nahi, lekin Spaghetti toh ugti hai”. Yes, what if we told you that your favourite genre of pasta can basically be harvested and grown on trees. No, we are not crazy, after all, the BBC itself said so. In 1957, the BBC telecasted a segment wherein they […]

Social Saturdays

Ballet and the Russian Revolution

Social Saturdays Ballet dance is a very identifiable dance form, one that has been around for decades. It originated in around 1500 in Italy and was introduced in France in the court of King Henry II and was further codified by King Louis XIV. The dance form became increasingly famous and many tours were organised […]

Social Saturdays

The Dancing Plague

Social Saturdays All of us are sick and tired of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic by now and just want all of this to get over! Human species have witnessed multiple plagues and epidemics in the past, but the one we will discuss here surely stands out. But hey, not because it infected or killed a […]

Social Saturdays

Hagia Sophia: Museum, Cathedral or Mosque?

Social Saturdays Recently, Turkish President Erdogan changed the status of a contentious religious structure from a museum to a mosque. Hagia Sophia is a significant historical structure built as a cathedral in Istanbul (then Constantinople) in the 6th century CE (532-537) under the auspices of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. Throughout history, several of its […]

Social Saturdays

Uighur Concentration Camps

Social Saturdays Just about two days back, the US Customs Department seized USD 800,000 worth of human hair weaves which are suspected to have been made out of human hair taken from people who are locked inside Chinese internment camps. This adds to the slew of already existing human rights violations by the Chinese government. […]

Social Saturdays

The Tulsa Massacre

The single worst incident of racial violence in American history Social Saturdays As I am writing this, the blood of the free citizens of the US is boiling looking at the aftermath of the non-violent protests over the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota. The incident re-ignited the #BlackLivesMatter movement across the US, the ripples […]