Finance Fridays

How Microsoft saved Apple

Finance Fridays Microsoft and Apple have always been fierce rivals, being mammoths in the tech industry. Bill Gates had become the world’s richest man by 1995, with a net worth of $13 billion, and his firm company was competing with Jobs’ for the dominant spot in the personal computer space. And then, in August 1997, […]

Trade Tuesdays

Rothschild Family – Controlling the world?

Trade Tuesdays The Rothschild family has at one point been the richest family on earth, and more popularly they have been surrounded by a variety of conspiracy theories and allegations which range from controlling the world economy, various financial institutions, bankrolling Adolf Hitler, plotting to kill Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy and even controlling […]

Finance Fridays

The world’s largest gold vault

Finance Fridays A few minutes’ walk from the hustle bustle of the Wall Street, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s gold vault rests, where 25% of the world’s gold is kept. Some countries deem it safer than their own gold vaults and hence store a large part of their reserves here; foreign nations own […]

Trade Tuesdays

Rockefeller – The Original Billionaire

Trade Tuesdays John Davison Rockefeller was the man responsible behind the first greatest business trust of America- The Standard Oil Company. Even though he started his career dealing in a variety of everyday products like grains, meat etc. but he spotted the potential of the oil business in early 1860’s and built his first oil […]