War Wednesdays

Pastry War

War Wednesdays As kids or even now, all of us have experienced a fight between siblings over food, especially if it’s a bakery product or them doughnuts. Dunkin’ donuts, oh so good! But, while most people say it in good spirit that they would kill someone over food, they don’t really mean it. Could you […]

Social Saturdays

Ballet and the Russian Revolution

Social Saturdays Ballet dance is a very identifiable dance form, one that has been around for decades. It originated in around 1500 in Italy and was introduced in France in the court of King Henry II and was further codified by King Louis XIV. The dance form became increasingly famous and many tours were organised […]

Social Saturdays

The Dancing Plague

Social Saturdays All of us are sick and tired of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic by now and just want all of this to get over! Human species have witnessed multiple plagues and epidemics in the past, but the one we will discuss here surely stands out. But hey, not because it infected or killed a […]