Social Saturdays

Uighur Concentration Camps

Social Saturdays Just about two days back, the US Customs Department seized USD 800,000 worth of human hair weaves which are suspected to have been made out of human hair taken from people who are locked inside Chinese internment camps. This adds to the slew of already existing human rights violations by the Chinese government. […]

Mythology Mondays

The lost city of Atlantis

Explore the story of the legendary kingdom, with elements people love to fascinate about. Is it a myth, though? Mythology Mondays The island of ‘Atlantis’ – the lost subcontinent, has often been described as an advanced, utopian paradise, with enough wisdom to bring back world peace. People have lost tons of money, and in some […]

Social Saturdays

The Tulsa Massacre

The single worst incident of racial violence in American history Social Saturdays As I am writing this, the blood of the free citizens of the US is boiling looking at the aftermath of the non-violent protests over the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota. The incident re-ignited the #BlackLivesMatter movement across the US, the ripples […]

Technology Thursdays

Deciphering the Morse Code

We may have heard about the Morse Code, seen it in the movies (Parasite, Raazi?) or read about the existence of it. Today, let us discover the origination of the system which revolutionized long-distance communication and take away a lesson in case we ever need to use it. In Case you are wondering, no, the […]