Finance Fridays

The Phantom Gambler

Finance Fridays If you invest enough time and energy on the casino floors of Las Vegas, you’ll definitely hear about the Phantom Gambler or the Suitcase Man. Numerous variations of the story have developed over the last four decades about who he was, how much he won and then what happened.  In 1951, a previous […]

Technology Thursdays

When NASA was hacked by a 15-year-old!

Technology Tuesdays Organisations around the world are protecting themselves from data breaches and are always concerned about protecting their information, but they still can’t escape from the hackers. And one of the craziest stories ever was when NASA was hacked in 1999 by a fifteen-year-old boy! Jonathan Jones known to the internet as “cOmrade” (and […]

Trade Tuesdays

McDonald’s $3 million coffee case

Trade Tuesdays In 1992, a 79-year-old lady Stella Liebeck bought a cup of takeout coffee at the McDonald’s in New Mexico, she spilled it on her lap. She sued McDonald’s and ultimately the jury awarded her nearly 3 million dollars in punitive damages for the burns she suffered. We may have heard of “frivolous lawsuits” […]

Mythology Mondays

Famadihana – Dancing with the Dead

Mythology Mondays Famadihana, or ‘the turning of the bones’ is a sacred practice followed by some ethnic groups in the African nation of Madagascar every five to seven years. They celebrate this event so that the living can meet their ancestors and it is a moment of extreme joy for them. The Malagasy believe that […]

Social Saturdays

The Dancing Plague

Social Saturdays All of us are sick and tired of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic by now and just want all of this to get over! Human species have witnessed multiple plagues and epidemics in the past, but the one we will discuss here surely stands out. But hey, not because it infected or killed a […]