Finance Fridays

How Microsoft saved Apple

Finance Fridays Microsoft and Apple have always been fierce rivals, being mammoths in the tech industry. Bill Gates had become the world’s richest man by 1995, with a net worth of $13 billion, and his firm company was competing with Jobs’ for the dominant spot in the personal computer space. And then, in August 1997, […]

War Wednesdays

Nazi U-Boats

War Wednesdays During World War-II, Nazis used to demonize opposition forces using their advanced military systems and warfare styles. British Prime Minister at the helm of affairs during WW-II Winston Churchill stated that the only thing that really frightened him during the war was the “U-boat” peril. The U-boats or Unterseeboot (undersea boat) were German […]

Social Saturdays

Hagia Sophia: Museum, Cathedral or Mosque?

Social Saturdays Recently, Turkish President Erdogan changed the status of a contentious religious structure from a museum to a mosque. Hagia Sophia is a significant historical structure built as a cathedral in Istanbul (then Constantinople) in the 6th century CE (532-537) under the auspices of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. Throughout history, several of its […]