Trade Tuesdays

Pepsi – 6th largest military in the world!

Trade Tuesdays When we speak about Pepsi, military is probably the last word that would come to our mind. We’ve all read stories about how Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been on a Cola War, their brilliant marketing campaigns, but we may not know that for a brief period of time Pepsi had the 6th largest […]

Technology Thursdays


Technology Thursdays ILOVEYOU is the best thing to read sometimes, but not always. ILOVEYOU became a nightmare for the 10 million windows users when the virus ransacked their computers on May 4th, 2000. The ILOVEYOU virus was circulated as an email titled ILOVEYOU with an attachment “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs”, and this attachment was where the virus was […]