Finance Fridays

The Railroad Mania

Finance Fridays Railroads were one of the first disruptive innovations: they changed England from an island of moderate, agrarian towns into a quick, urban, industrialized country. Railroads increased productivity, diminished production costs and encouraged working class customers to purchase factory produced merchandise. Due to their job as the driving innovation of the industrial revolution, the […]

Mythology Mondays

The Origins of Lord Ganesha

Mythology Mondays Ever since I was a kid, I have been fascinated with Mythology and stories of Hindu Gods. My grandparents used to put me to bed, telling stories which have been passed on to them by their parents and grandparents. One such story was that of Lord Ganesha, and how he got his elephant […]

Social Saturdays

Marxist Sociology!

Social Saturdays Most of us are utterly confused about the origins of communism as a theory and why the hell exactly is Karl Marx and his theory basically a part of most subjects we have ever studied, including Economics, Political Science, History, and Sociology among others. What is further amusing is that he said really […]

Finance Fridays

The Phantom Gambler

Finance Fridays If you invest enough time and energy on the casino floors of Las Vegas, you’ll definitely hear about the Phantom Gambler or the Suitcase Man. Numerous variations of the story have developed over the last four decades about who he was, how much he won and then what happened.  In 1951, a previous […]

Technology Thursdays

Where the internet lives

Technology Thursdays We can’t survive for a day without the internet or specifically Google. Instead of saying let me search on the internet, we are often heard saying ‘Let me Google that for you’. Have you ever wondered what it takes to manage the most popular search engine in the world? Have you ever wondered […]

Trade Tuesdays

Pepsi – 6th largest military in the world!

Trade Tuesdays When we speak about Pepsi, military is probably the last word that would come to our mind. We’ve all read stories about how Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been on a Cola War, their brilliant marketing campaigns, but we may not know that for a brief period of time Pepsi had the 6th largest […]

Mythology Mondays

Nessie – the Loch Ness Monster

Mythology Mondays In 1933, the Inverness Courier Article wrote how a businessman and his wife saw a massive upheaval along the shore of Loch Ness in Scotland. Upon stopping, they witnessed a massive creature resembling that of a whale. Shocked, they waited for over thirty minutes hoping that the creature would come out again, but […]

Finance Fridays

The Tulip Mania

Finance Fridays The tulip bubble is a classic example of a financial bubble, and is known to be the world’s first bubble. When the price of something goes up, not because of its intrinsic value, but because people who buy it expect to be able to sell it again at a profit, it can have […]

War Wednesdays

Pastry War

War Wednesdays As kids or even now, all of us have experienced a fight between siblings over food, especially if it’s a bakery product or them doughnuts. Dunkin’ donuts, oh so good! But, while most people say it in good spirit that they would kill someone over food, they don’t really mean it. Could you […]

Mythology Mondays

The Happy Science Religion

Mythology Mondays The Happy Science is a controversial new religious and spiritual movement, founded in Japan in 1986 by Ryuho Okawa, which has been characterized as a cult. Its aim is “to bring happiness to humanity by spreading the Truth”. They worship a deity named El Cantare, and they believe that the being was first […]