Mythology Mondays

The Church of Maradona

Mythology Mondays The Iglesia Maradoniana is a religion, created by the fans of the retired Argentine footballer Diego Maradona. The Church of Maradona (yes literally) simply believes that Maradona was the greatest soccer player in the history of the sport and prays to that fact. On June 22 1986, four years after Argentina had failed […]

Social Saturdays

The Spaghetti Harvest!

Social Saturdays “Paise kya ped pe ugte hain?” “Nahi, lekin Spaghetti toh ugti hai”. Yes, what if we told you that your favourite genre of pasta can basically be harvested and grown on trees. No, we are not crazy, after all, the BBC itself said so. In 1957, the BBC telecasted a segment wherein they […]

Finance Fridays

Satyam Shivam Scandalam

Finance Fridays It has been over a decade since Ramalinga Raju’s Satyam Computers shook the Indian markets. One of India’s fastest growing IT companies, then the 4th largest, disappeared in thin air, with billions in market cap lost. This is the story of India’s Enron. In 2007, Ramalinga Raju was named as the Ernst & […]

Social Saturdays

Ballet and the Russian Revolution

Social Saturdays Ballet dance is a very identifiable dance form, one that has been around for decades. It originated in around 1500 in Italy and was introduced in France in the court of King Henry II and was further codified by King Louis XIV. The dance form became increasingly famous and many tours were organised […]

Finance Fridays

The Calciopoli Scandal

Finance Fridays One of the greatest match fixing scandals of the 21st century, the Calciopoli Scandal rocked the top tier of Italian Football and saw Serie A teams Juventus, Fiorentina and Lazio get relegated while AC Milan received a points deduction.  Back in 2004, rumours started in Italian football, alleging that Juventus players were involved […]

Technology Thursdays

How Toy Story 2 was almost deleted!

Technology Thursdays We all know about the importance of saving the work which we have been tirelessly working on and taking backups in case disaster strikes. Pixar’s Toy Story 2 crew learned this lesson the hard way. In 1998, a year before the release of the movie, 90% of the movie was deleted due to […]

Mythology Mondays

Why is Navratri celebrated?

Mythology Mondays Navratri is one of the most widely celebrated festivals of India, celebrated over 9 nights (and 10 days) every year in the autumn. Theoretically, there are four seasons of Navratri every year, but the most observed one is the Sharada Navratri, which is celebrated in the honour of Devi Durga. In each part […]

Finance Fridays

How Microsoft saved Apple

Finance Fridays Microsoft and Apple have always been fierce rivals, being mammoths in the tech industry. Bill Gates had become the world’s richest man by 1995, with a net worth of $13 billion, and his firm company was competing with Jobs’ for the dominant spot in the personal computer space. And then, in August 1997, […]

Technology Thursdays

Halley’s Comet

Technology Thursdays Halley’s Comet is the most famous comet and is often used in conversations when we refer to phenomena that take place very rarely. But what exactly is a comet, and what makes Halley’s comet so special? A comet is just a cosmic ball of dust, rocks and frozen gases which orbit the sun, […]

War Wednesdays

Nazi U-Boats

War Wednesdays During World War-II, Nazis used to demonize opposition forces using their advanced military systems and warfare styles. British Prime Minister at the helm of affairs during WW-II Winston Churchill stated that the only thing that really frightened him during the war was the “U-boat” peril. The U-boats or Unterseeboot (undersea boat) were German […]