Mythology Mondays

Hercules’ 12 Labors

Mythology Mondays Hercules is the Roman name for the Greek hero Herakles, the most popular figure from ancient Greek mythology. He was the son of Zeus, king of the gods, and the mortal woman Alcmene. He performed amazing feats, including wrestling death and traveling twice to the underworld, and his stories were told throughout Greece […]

Mythology Mondays

Barbarika – Mahabharata’s Greatest?

Mythology Mondays When Lord Krishna asked all the Maharathis of the Mahabharata as to how many days they would individually take to end the war, Bhishma said he would take 20, Karna 24, Dronacharya said 25 and Arjuna said 28. Barbarika said, he would take only one minute to end it all, a claim Krishna […]