Mythology Mondays

The Happy Science Religion

Mythology Mondays The Happy Science is a controversial new religious and spiritual movement, founded in Japan in 1986 by Ryuho Okawa, which has been characterized as a cult. Its aim is “to bring happiness to humanity by spreading the Truth”. They worship a deity named El Cantare, and they believe that the being was first […]

Mythology Mondays

The Church of Maradona

Mythology Mondays The Iglesia Maradoniana is a religion, created by the fans of the retired Argentine footballer Diego Maradona. The Church of Maradona (yes literally) simply believes that Maradona was the greatest soccer player in the history of the sport and prays to that fact. On June 22 1986, four years after Argentina had failed […]

Mythology Mondays

Famadihana – Dancing with the Dead

Mythology Mondays Famadihana, or ‘the turning of the bones’ is a sacred practice followed by some ethnic groups in the African nation of Madagascar every five to seven years. They celebrate this event so that the living can meet their ancestors and it is a moment of extreme joy for them. The Malagasy believe that […]

Social Saturdays

Hagia Sophia: Museum, Cathedral or Mosque?

Social Saturdays Recently, Turkish President Erdogan changed the status of a contentious religious structure from a museum to a mosque. Hagia Sophia is a significant historical structure built as a cathedral in Istanbul (then Constantinople) in the 6th century CE (532-537) under the auspices of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. Throughout history, several of its […]

Mythology Mondays

Barbarika – Mahabharata’s Greatest?

Mythology Mondays When Lord Krishna asked all the Maharathis of the Mahabharata as to how many days they would individually take to end the war, Bhishma said he would take 20, Karna 24, Dronacharya said 25 and Arjuna said 28. Barbarika said, he would take only one minute to end it all, a claim Krishna […]

Social Saturdays

Uighur Concentration Camps

Social Saturdays Just about two days back, the US Customs Department seized USD 800,000 worth of human hair weaves which are suspected to have been made out of human hair taken from people who are locked inside Chinese internment camps. This adds to the slew of already existing human rights violations by the Chinese government. […]

War Wednesdays

Jerusalem: What’s in a city?

Multiple aspects strike our mind when we hear the word, ‘Jerusalem’! And we aren’t really confused, the city has indeed seen it all. War Wednesdays What comes to your mind when you hear the word Jerusalem? Is it Jesus Christ, Abraham or Prophet Muhammad? Is it faith in general? Is it the thought of Israel? […]