Social Saturdays

Marxist Sociology!

Social Saturdays Most of us are utterly confused about the origins of communism as a theory and why the hell exactly is Karl Marx and his theory basically a part of most subjects we have ever studied, including Economics, Political Science, History, and Sociology among others. What is further amusing is that he said really […]

Social Saturdays

The Dancing Plague

Social Saturdays All of us are sick and tired of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic by now and just want all of this to get over! Human species have witnessed multiple plagues and epidemics in the past, but the one we will discuss here surely stands out. But hey, not because it infected or killed a […]

Social Saturdays

Uighur Concentration Camps

Social Saturdays Just about two days back, the US Customs Department seized USD 800,000 worth of human hair weaves which are suspected to have been made out of human hair taken from people who are locked inside Chinese internment camps. This adds to the slew of already existing human rights violations by the Chinese government. […]