Trade Tuesdays

Seafood to Smartphone – The story of Samsung

Trade Tuesdays Samsung is one of the biggest technology conglomerates today, in the fourth quarter of 2019, it recorded a revenue upward of 50 billion USD and has presence in more than 75 countries across the globe. But the Samsung that we know today is massively different from the origins of the company in 1938 […]

Technology Thursdays

When NASA was hacked by a 15-year-old!

Technology Tuesdays Organisations around the world are protecting themselves from data breaches and are always concerned about protecting their information, but they still can’t escape from the hackers. And one of the craziest stories ever was when NASA was hacked in 1999 by a fifteen-year-old boy! Jonathan Jones known to the internet as “cOmrade” (and […]

Technology Thursdays

Halley’s Comet

Technology Thursdays Halley’s Comet is the most famous comet and is often used in conversations when we refer to phenomena that take place very rarely. But what exactly is a comet, and what makes Halley’s comet so special? A comet is just a cosmic ball of dust, rocks and frozen gases which orbit the sun, […]

Technology Thursdays

Organ Printing

Technology Thursdays All of us have printed out material at some point of time, many of us even know about 3-D printing, which is adding another dimension to the usual paper printing. But the applications of three-dimensional printing are fascinating ranging from aerospace, food printing to bioprinting. And one of the most intriguing applications is […]

Technology Thursdays


Technology Thursdays ILOVEYOU is the best thing to read sometimes, but not always. ILOVEYOU became a nightmare for the 10 million windows users when the virus ransacked their computers on May 4th, 2000. The ILOVEYOU virus was circulated as an email titled ILOVEYOU with an attachment “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs”, and this attachment was where the virus was […]

Technology Thursdays

Deciphering the Morse Code

We may have heard about the Morse Code, seen it in the movies (Parasite, Raazi?) or read about the existence of it. Today, let us discover the origination of the system which revolutionized long-distance communication and take away a lesson in case we ever need to use it. In Case you are wondering, no, the […]