War Wednesdays

Cuban Missile Crisis!

Post World War II, most countries would have expected things to calm down a little, after all, the events leading up to the War and especially Hitler’s activities were in ways, insane. However, that was far from what went down. The rise of a bipolar world was witnessed, with the USA and Soviet Union propagating […]

Technology Thursdays

When NASA was hacked by a 15-year-old!

Technology Tuesdays Organisations around the world are protecting themselves from data breaches and are always concerned about protecting their information, but they still can’t escape from the hackers. And one of the craziest stories ever was when NASA was hacked in 1999 by a fifteen-year-old boy! Jonathan Jones known to the internet as “cOmrade” (and […]

War Wednesdays

Nazi U-Boats

War Wednesdays During World War-II, Nazis used to demonize opposition forces using their advanced military systems and warfare styles. British Prime Minister at the helm of affairs during WW-II Winston Churchill stated that the only thing that really frightened him during the war was the “U-boat” peril. The U-boats or Unterseeboot (undersea boat) were German […]

Finance Fridays

The world’s largest gold vault

Finance Fridays A few minutes’ walk from the hustle bustle of the Wall Street, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s gold vault rests, where 25% of the world’s gold is kept. Some countries deem it safer than their own gold vaults and hence store a large part of their reserves here; foreign nations own […]

Finance Fridays

The Enron Scam

Enron was one of the world’s most creative corporations. America’s seventh largest company, over 30,000 employees, and then a scam that led to a share price high of $90.75 fall to $0.26. Finance Fridays Enron was once the seventh largest company in the United States. They were behemoths in the energy and trading markets. Their […]