War Wednesdays

Cuban Missile Crisis!

Post World War II, most countries would have expected things to calm down a little, after all, the events leading up to the War and especially Hitler’s activities were in ways, insane. However, that was far from what went down. The rise of a bipolar world was witnessed, with the USA and Soviet Union propagating […]

War Wednesdays

Nazi U-Boats

War Wednesdays During World War-II, Nazis used to demonize opposition forces using their advanced military systems and warfare styles. British Prime Minister at the helm of affairs during WW-II Winston Churchill stated that the only thing that really frightened him during the war was the “U-boat” peril. The U-boats or Unterseeboot (undersea boat) were German […]

War Wednesdays

Maharana Pratap’s Guerrilla Warfare

War Wednesdays All of us have studied the Mughal history and how dominating Mughal kings were when it came to warfare and conquest of land administered by Hindu kings. While most of the rulers of independent kingdoms used to easily accept the suzerainty of the Mughals, two clans in Northern India especially stand out in […]