Trade Tuesdays

Nutella – The Miracle of WW II

Trade Tuesdays Nutella, our favourite chocolate hazelnut spread which records over 12 billion USD in sales and was developed in 1946 by an Italian Pastry Chef’s unparalleled obsession with creating the perfect chocolate solution has roots tracing back to the days of Napoleon Bonaparte and World War 2! In 1806, Napoleon was trying to strengthen […]

War Wednesdays

Nazi U-Boats

War Wednesdays During World War-II, Nazis used to demonize opposition forces using their advanced military systems and warfare styles. British Prime Minister at the helm of affairs during WW-II Winston Churchill stated that the only thing that really frightened him during the war was the “U-boat” peril. The U-boats or Unterseeboot (undersea boat) were German […]

War Wednesdays

The Japanese Army’s Cannibalism

War Wednesdays We have all heard of some atrocious war stories and the Nazis feature in a lot of them. But the Japanese weren’t far behind. While there was a lot of propaganda and counter propaganda between the axis and allied powers during the World Wars, one specific incident of cannibalism stands out as a […]